Hillsboro Airport - New Runway - TV Clip from KOIN
Below is a link to a 4/6/15 article and TV clip by KOIN TV Channel 6 reporter, Lisa Balick, on the third runway expansion at the Hillsboro Airport (HIO). Per the report, the new runway is expected to open in a few weeks. The Port of Portland and the Federal Aviation Administration chose to construct this runway despite neighborhood opposition including a challenge in the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Watch video: New Airport Runway Causes Rift in Hillsboro
Oregon Aviation Watch Appealing Third Runway
In the 84 years during which HIO has grown from a grassy airstrip into the largest general aviation airport in the state of Oregon, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Port of Portland have never taken a hard look or engaged in a thorough and comprehensive investigation of the environmental impacts of this facility by completing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). As a result the full impact of HIO, which accommodates the largest flight training school in the Pacific Northwest, has not been evaluated.
HIO is a major Washington County facility source of lead, PM 2.5, ethyl benzene and a number of other air toxins. Many are known or suspected carcinogens. Some are linked with a higher incidence of asthma, respiratory disorders, cardiac disease and a host of other debilitating and potentially life threatening health conditions.
In addition, the frequent noise intrusions from HIO aviation activity pose significant health risks and play a significant role in eroding livability and interfering with the ability of residents to enjoy their properties.
As part of our ongoing quest to insure public accountability, restore livability, and protect the environment, Oregon Aviation Watch is continuing with its appeal of the third runway. Even though the runway has now been built, the Court has yet to rule on the possibility of irreparable harm and significant environmental impacts due to the actual usage of the runway.
Please Donate
We are seeking your support in this all volunteer effort to address the serious environmental, health, and livability degradations resulting from HIO aviation activity. All contributions will go directly towards covering legal costs.
Oregon Aviation Watch is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. (U.S. tax-exempt number is 27-3131841.)
We are sincerely grateful to all community members who have supported Oregon Aviation Watch and other airport appeals in the past. Your willingness to stand behind this effort is sincerely appreciated. Thank you for your support!
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