OregonPEN Report on Lead Poisoning
The January 16, 2016 edition of Oregon Public Empowerment Network (OregonPEN) explores the parallels between the Flint, Michigan lead poisoning travesty and government sanctioned airborne lead pollution by the aviation industry.
We're All Flint: State of Oregon and U.S. EPA A-OK with Airborne Pb [Lead] Poisoning of Oregonians
"With the outrageous fiasco in Flint, Michigan, forcing the corporate press to note the horror unleashed on the mostly poor, mostly non-white residents, lead is back in the news. The people of Flint learned that they and their children had been poisoned with lead (Pb) from their taps, thanks to the un-elected city manager appointed by the "businessman" governor. Many in Oregon might be inclined to be thankful that they are not living in a "rust belt" city beset by such a plague of ills. Which is why this OregonPEN is devoted to the ongoing Pb poisoning occurring here in Oregon. Far too many people think lead is a hazard of poor children living in slums; they live unaware that lead is still with us, still being pumped into the atmosphere by the ton."
We begin with this recent release from OHSU (and Michigan State) about the first study to confirm a causal link between lead exposure and increased ADHD behavioral health problems, especially in males:
Click on the following link to access the full OregonPEN article: http://www.oregonpen.org/articles--archive/were-all-flint-state-of-oregon-and-us-epa-a-ok-with-airborne-pb-poisoning-of-oregonians.
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